
HMRC and ACAS – Managing Sick Leave and Pay

Do you have any questions about statutory sick pay or managing sick leave? Our free webinar, hosted jointly with ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service) can help answer them. HMRC and ACAS – Managing Sick Leave and Pay There will be a brief summary of statutory sick pay entitlement. Also, how to manage sick leave and

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Business Expenses

If you’re not sure what business expenses to claim, look no further. Help is at your fingertips with this range of online support designed for you. Business expenses for the self-employed: Find out what expenses are allowable, including travel, overnight expenses, premises costs and using your home. Discover how simplified expenses can save you time.

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HMRC Help for the Self Employed

Here’s a selection of online support for you and your business. Join us to find out more. Capital Allowances for the self-employed: If you use traditional accounting, this webinar shows you how to claim for the longer life items you buy for your business such as vans, tools or machinery. Mo‌nd‌ay 2‌6 Fe‌br‌ua‌ry – 2p‌m

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HMRC payroll webinars

We’re running a series of webinars next week on the key topics affecting payroll from April 2018. Employers – what’s new for 2018: An overview of the changes including the new rates for National Insurance, National Living Wage/National Minimum Wage, statutory payments, the changes to expenses and benefits and more. Monday 26 February – midday

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HMRC Webinars

Get up to speed with the key changes affecting payroll from April 2018 with our series of webinars which we’re running throughout February and March. Employers – what’s new for 2018: Join this live webinar for an overview of the changes, including the new rates for National Insurance, National Living Wage/National Minimum Wage and statutory

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Free webinars from HMRC

From claiming the right expenses to budgeting and self-employed National Insurance, take advantage of HMRC’s online support. Self-employed help and support: Especially for sole traders and partnerships, our live webinar covers topics affecting small self-employed businesses, such as allowable and simplified expenses and budgeting for your tax bill. We‌dn‌esd‌ay 2‌1 Fe‌br‌ua‌ry – 1‌p‌m to 2p‌m           

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HMRC Webinars for employers

Whether you’re a new or an experienced employer, there’s plenty of free online help available from HMRC. You can ask questions using the on-screen text box on all live webinars. Statutory Sick Pay: We’ll show you what to do when an employee goes off sick, the qualifying conditions, how to calculate Statutory Sick Pay and

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Auto Enrolement

Automatic enrolment doesn’t end with your client’s declaration of compliance   So, you’ve helped your clients assess their staff, put them into a workplace pension, and declare their compliance. But automatic enrolment (AE) doesn’t end there, and neither do your clients’ responsibilities.   They still have legal duties that need to be completed – automatic

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Take advantage of our online support for VAT, giving you straightforward advice that’s easy to use. VAT and motoring expenses: This live webinar provides an overview of how to reclaim VAT on a car, hiring and leasing vehicles, commercial vehicles and other motoring expenses such as repairs and maintenance. Mo‌nd‌ay 19 Fe‌br‌ua‌ry – 1‌0a‌m to

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National Minimum and National Living Wage

The government is increasing the National Minimum and National Living Wage rates on 1 Ap‌r‌il 2018. This includes the largest increases in a decade for the rates that apply to 18-20 and 21-24 year olds. As the minimum wage increases more employers than ever will be directly affected, including those who currently pay above the minimum.

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HMRC webinars for employers

HMRC’s online help and support provides the reassurance you need to get it right. These free webinars are interactive, so you can ask questions using the on-screen textbox. The National Living Wage and The National Minimum Wage: This live webinar is the first in the ‘cutting your risk’ series, and covers the essentials you need

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Non residents and personal allowances

An individual is certainly eligible for personal allowances in any year where they are UK resident even if that year is split under the Statutory Residence Test as a year of arrival or departure. Note that an individual who is resident in the UK as a serving member of the armed forces of another country

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HMRC support for the Self Employed

Self-employment help and support: Especially for sole traders and partnerships, our live webinar covers topics affecting small self-employed businesses. If you’re a new business or just want to make sure you’re doing the right thing, join us and get answers to your questions. Choose a date and time Register for the webinar here

Do I need to fill in a tax return? 

Do I need to fill in a tax return? You’ll need to send a tax return if any of the following apply, in the last tax year: you were self-employed – you can deduct allowable expenses you got £2,500 or more in untaxed income, for example from tips or renting out a property – contact

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HMRC Changes January 2018

HMRC has changed the way it calculates penalties charged to taxpayers who have made mistakes in their tax returns or failed to notify HMRC of a tax liability.  Penalty regime Where a taxpayer fails to notify HMRC of their tax liability or makes an error (careless or deliberate) in a tax return, HMRC can charge

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Refund Policy

For online payments taken via the Invoice Payment page, no refunds can be given as payment is only taken after my service has been provided.